part of your world

美 [pɑːrt əv jʊr wɜːrld]英 [pɑːt ɒv jɔː(r) wɜːld]
  • 网络属于你的世界;小美人鱼
part of your worldpart of your world
  1. I ended up on the coffee table singing " part of your world "


  2. The equations are all very fundamental and you have to make them part of your world .


  3. You will find happiness when you adopt positive thinking into your daily routine and make it an important part of your world .


  4. Can you comprehend that an iguana is trying hard to be a part of your world , despite the massive differences ?


  5. Poetry cannot determine the normality of our livings , yet poetry is the most core part of your spiritual world .


  6. Love is not some little fringe issue that exists in isolation ; it 's part of your total world , it 's a central force that is integral to your life as a whole .
